"Consigna: Matar al Jefe": The B-Movie Legend Jose Louis Merino (Director) sizzles a
fiery Chorizo with this War Movie blockbuster.
Apparently he nibbled on wild herbs again and tasted from the magic potion.
This Movie is a "tiny" blast, with crazy ideas and wild trash.
Craig Hill is leading a great Exploitation Commando to hell.
Piero Lulli is playing the Wüstenfuchs, Erwin Rommel.
And Vicente Roca is a real hoot in the role of SS Leader Heinrich Himmler.
"Consigna: Matar al Jefe" - The Location Archaeology Adventure.
Carsten Thiemann, September 2011.
Spanish Promotion
Danish Video Cover
The Czech DVD (right) has a slightly better quality than the Spanish
release (left). The Screenshots I used for this report are from the Czech Version.
Location Archaeology
Las Salinas de Espartinas de Ciempozuelos (Valle de Tajo / Parque Regional de Sureste).
The History of the Salinas de Espartinas is going back to the Bronze period.
Salt mining over many centuries.
The principle is relativley simple. Rainwater seeps in the hills and dissolves
parts of the rock. The now highly saline water from the hills is directed into
a shallow basin, where it evaporates. What is left is the precious salt!
The area of the Salinas is also a valuable archaeological site and it was a
popular Movie Location in the Sixties and Seventies.
Basin - Las Salinas de Espartinas -
Winter 2005
Movie Scene from "Consigna: Matar al Jefe" (1970) in comparison to my photo
from August 2011. On the right side you can see an old shallow basin of the
Salinas de Espartinas.
The Salinas have been used till the late 1960ths.
What we see in the Movie (filmed 1970) are the last remains.
Here a little "Salt Mountain".
Comparison Photo August 2011
Carlos Quiney - Craig Hill
Comparison Photo August 2011
1970 - Quite a few Parts of the Salinas are still intact.
Carlos Quiney is filling his waterbottle with saltwater. Mmmh,
Comparison Photo August 2011
Comparison Photo August 2011
Molotow Cocktails
Comparison Photo August 2011
Comparison Photo August 2011
Comparison Photo August 2011
Commando Craig Hill
Comparison Photo August 2011
German Barbecue
Comparison Photo August 2011
More than 40 years have passed since the Shooting of the Merino War Flick!
Comparison, then and now, 1970/2011.
A marvelous Movie Location, especially for the Spaghetti Western Genre.
The great Piero Lulli is Rommel - the Wüstenfuchs.
His face is full of Salt! - The last Salt from the Salinas de
The Genre with the most productions shot on location around the Salinas de Espartinas is without question the Western Genre.
Many Chorizo and Spaghetti Westerns have been filmed in the area of the Salinas:
La Furia degli Apaches, Una pistola per cento bare, Quindici forche per un assassino,...
Excellent and extensive movie scenes of the Salinas de Espartinas have been shot for the Jose Luis Merino Western "La Muerte busca un
Las Salinas de Espartinas
The different Caves in the "Valle Grande" have been investigated carefully.
Numerous artefacts have been excavated. The area is classified as A category,
a valubale archaeological site.
A few Movie Productions used the Caves as terrific locations.
Here the Rafael Romero Marchent Western "Quien grita venganza?"...with Piero
Lulli again (right side).
A marvelous Cave scene can been seen in the Chorizo Western Flick "Ringo the Lone
Cave of the Salinas de Espartinas, 1970. Hiding-place of the Bloody Bill Anderson (Armando Calvo) Gang.
Comparison photo August 2011 - The Cave is almost filled up with Material (rocks,sand), parts of the ceiling dropped off.
For detailed informations about the Salinas de Espartinas (History/Archaeology) I
highly recommend the magazine ARCHAIA.
Everything you want to know about the Salinas can been found in "Archaia - Revista
de la Sociedad Espanola de historia de la Arqueologia, Nr.2, year 2002".
This number offers 2 very interesting reports: "Documentacion historica de las Salinas
Espartinas" and "Excavacion arqueologica en las Salinas Espartinas".
Pottery Fragments with Ornaments. Found in a Cave of Las Salinas de Espartinas.
(Photo by courtesy of Archaia Vol.2,2002).
Near the Salinas de Espartinas was an old Cortijo which was used as Location as well.
When Director Jose Luis Merino shot "Consigna: Matar al Comandante Jefe" in this
Cortijo it was full of remains of previous Western Productions.
This Set was a big Western Set and often dressed up as a Fort Location:
Il Segreto di Ringo, I Crudeli, Un Dolar para Sartana, Che c'entriamo noi con la rivoluzione?,...
More "Commando di Spie" Locations will presented soon.
Part 2 of the "Consigna"
Location Report: Ponton de la Oliva
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